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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  February 26, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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i am reluctantly moving onto the next story. a couple craft brewers have a glass that makes the taste and aroma of the beer better. does it make your base beer tass like wine? >> my exact thoughts. when i create a beer mug that does something like that. i would go for it, but the key is making the mug cold. put it in the freezer. with any glass. melissa: are you a beer girl? you don't strike me as a beer girl at all. when was the last time you had a beer? [laughter] >> i want to know if it takes cheap beer and makes it taste like expensive.
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melissa: there is no difference. january 2012 employees watched 5 million youtube videos while they were working in one month. more than 30% of the headquarters bandwidth. the headquarters have 1600 fewer employees thanks to all of that. what are you thinking? >> i can't answer your question because i'm over here watching youtube videos while at work. jcpenney has gone through restructuring, they had some difficulties thi with this coule the least of their problems but it points to a corporate culture. >> i was ready to come here and say this is going to ruin productivity and such, but productivity among workers went up if they watched videos of cute animals. melissa: that is all the "money" we have for you today, we will be back with cat videos tomorrow. gerri: hello, everyone, i am gerri willis.
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tonight on "the willis report." should the government be buying their property? and consumer reports is here with an exclusive review. 72 is the next 30, life expectancy is way up, but can we afford to live this long? "the willis report" is on the case. gerri: all that and more coming up later in the show, but first our top story, the government big buyout. residents at one neighborhood hit hard by super storm sandy, staten island getting the best of deals thanks to taxpayers. homeowners whose homes were destroyed in sandy will get 100% of their damaged homes pre-storm market value.
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those in highly vulnerable flood areas will get more, 10% mark, a bonus. for those staying on staten island, an additional 5%. it is part of a fema program that has been around for a long time. hazard mitigation assistance. it includes buying out homeowners. john stossel joins me now. he is the author of the book "no, they can't." welcome back to the program, great to see you. so, is it right taxpayers are footing the bill? for these bonuses, what do you think of this? >> i don't think it is right, but it is better than what they have done in the past which is federal flood insurance. they do it three more times, and
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that is even crazy. gerri: you describe yourself as a freeloader on this program. >> i discovered this myself because i built a big house and asked my father to help with the mortgage. are you nuts, it is on the edge of an ocean. but i can't lose, there is a federal flood insurance, and it is true. it had a lot of sand in front of it, nothing will happen to it. sure enough, that happened in the government, thank you, you help page repair it. it happened again and he paid to repair it again. i'm ashamed i did this. gerri: here is the reality right here in new york, a federal flood national limit 350,000 if you include structure in the property. look at some of the values of these homes which are still on
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websites that pre-market value, 400,000, 500,000, so these people are getting a massive bailout, more than the federal government itself with just a regular flood insurance policy. does government need to get out of this business? >> yes. they are getting a little more than the top, but why does government so eager to forbid or require? if people want to build on the edge of oceans, spend your own money, take your own risk. they said we're losing so much money bailing these people out, disaster, we have to get them to buy insurance, there is no private market. gerri: the private market didn't want to take on the risk. melissa: it would have at the right price, but the federal government offered a great deal, cheap, we took it. gerri: i know we will get all kinds of e-mail from people who say these people should get this money no matter what. they deserve it.
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but look, at the end of the day what are we financing? there are homes that have been rebuilt seven, eight times with federal dollars. >> they will not do it again, but federal flood insurance was supposed to break even. they said we won't lose any money. billions in the hall like everything else. gerri: many have said yes, we will take it. i want to get you to a slightly different topic, you bring up the idea of fema has its problems. that is true. number of disaster declarations, you've seen that every time there's a big storm in the country, they call up and say please, please, please bail us out. the numbers have gone through the roof. obama 153. the folks on the left say it is
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climate change, things are getting worse and worse and worse. do you believe that? >> no. the costs are going up because more people build on the edge of the river and ocean. but if it were climate change, how come the disaster appointments go up before an election time? if they declare disasters in snowstorms that is a way to say here is free taxpayer money. gerri: is a way of paying out, and fema still owes $18 billion from katrina. >> and sandy, they don't know how much they will be in debt from that. gerri: it is amazing we keep doing the same thing over and over again and it hurts more and more. >> a buyout stops at police and that one little area. gerri: we can be thankful for small favors even though we are footing the bill. tell us what you have on your show this weekend. >> p the sequester.
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we take a meat cleaver to some things. gerri: the sequester is something we haven't covered a ton here, but boy does it serve it. thank you for coming on, really appreciate your time. now we want to know what you think. should the government he buying the homes of sandy becomes? log onto, we will share the results at the end of tonight's show. staten island isn't the only area where federal spending is running amok. telling congress the fed intends to keep the easy money policy flowing until the job architects up. warning against across-the-board spending cuts friday. joining me now, chairman of the house of service finances ready, which we will hear testimony from bernanke tomorrow. welcome back to the show, great to see you again. the federal reserve has a balance sheet of $3 trillion, is
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that a good idea? >> no. if it ever was a good idea, it is not a good idea now. we have reached the limits of what monetary policy can do and all this extra money they are trying to throw into the system creates an incredible inflationary risk. there is very little benefit because all this money standing up as excess reserves, but at one point we hope the economy will take off and if ben bernanke can't be harry houdini and get us out of this, we will have an inflation that will make us look the soldiers we upon the carter era. there is almost no benefit, we have reached the outer limits of what monetary policy can do. gerri: congressman, every federal reserve in every country all of the world is doing the same thing. mimicking ben bernanke. >> it doesn't mean it is a good
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idea. i have a nine-year-old son and soon-to-be 11-year-old daughter always telling me everybody else is doing it. just because everybody else is doing it doesn't mean it is a good idea. we are drowning in debt, doesn't mean it is a good idea. the challenges our economy faces today are fiscal in nature. making sure we raise taxes are not endorse and job creators. we have had a 53% increase in the regulatory burden. gerri: that is absolutely true. in the senate hawkins testimony today, they asked an interesting question, and it was about the implied backing for large banks in this country. some $83 trillion, $83 trillion. it is implied too big to fail cushion from the federal
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government which basically says we will be behind you, the banks pay less money in interest rates, and now when you do the math the big banks would not even be doing money it wasn't for the backing of the federal government. would you be asking the chairman about this tomorrow? >> we have a limited amount of time to ask a lot of questions. the bottom line is dodd-frank did and too big to fail, institutionalized too big to fail. number one, now hav i now have e federal government giving the ability to designate firms as too big to fail, and dodd-frank sets up the orderly liquidation that essentially allows the fdic to take taxpayer funds up to 90% of the balance sheet of the too big to fail firms and use that to resolve the firms. as chairman of the financial services committee, we're going to deal with too big to fail,
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and we will introduce legislation to terminate the designation, financial institutions and tw there is something wrong in america were some institutions are too big to fail and others are too small to matter. gerri: a lot of frustrations about sequestration and not just in washington, all the country voters are so tired about hearing about the fact congress and the president can't get together and make progress on the very important issues. john boehner today, speaker of the house, addressing his frustrations with what is going on. here is the speaker. >> we should not have to move a third bill before the senate begins to do something. gerri: and that was to the point. i think it shocked a lot of people. what do you say about that?
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>> i couldn't agree with the speaker more. i hope my mother isn't watching so will not repeat the language, but we have united states senate hasn't even bothered to pass a budget in four years, the president has still submitted his budget, legally he was supposed to submit it. the house has passed twice a bill to ensure that we keep with the deficit-reduction levels but we don't do this crazy across-the-board cuts that doesn't prioritize, the president doesn't have a plan, the senate hasn't passed a plan. by the way, the president talks about a balanced approach, guess what, in early january he got $660 billion of new tax revenue before the election it was all 3:1. gerri: a long way to go. >> where is our 1.5-1.8 in budget savings? it is a shell game. they wanted to make it an
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enforcement mechanism. he is trying to get more tax increases before he is even paid for the old ones that he got. and so this clearly rests on the president's desk. gerri: we will be watching it tomorrow with the testimony from the fed chief and see what questions you actually do ask. thank you for coming on, appreciate your time, thank you. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: new figures on the cost of obamacare. the report says the president's health care program will add $6.2 trillion long-term deficits. that wasn't supposed to happen. the first attempt to examine the cost of obamacare over a long-term period. this time 75 years. they said it would cost 2 trillion over 10 years. when president obama was selling his plan, he said it wouldn't add a single dime to the deficit. remember that? it wasn't true. he said he can keep your doctor,
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your plan won't change, none of that's turned out to be true. they say the goal of the obamacare was to pass a bill, this is how the country goes broke. coming up, wipe big banks can keep making one big subsidies to keep rolling in, and another subsidy could be sold to china. next, a senator trying to put a stop to all of that. ♪ [ male announcer ] i've seen incredib things.
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otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. becau planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪
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gerri: is taxpayer money about to be driven to china? it may happen if embattled electric car maker is sold to a chinese company making the
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second taxpayer backed green energy company sold to china in recent months. with more on this, republican senator chuck grassley of iowa. what gives here? why are we allowing this to happen? gerri, very good question. and i think it all goes back to the extent of wood shop. the department of energy is not accountable for what it does and it is not holding where it dishes out taxpayer money accountable. for instance, in the 81 to three corporation, $127 million. in the case of fisker, $200 million. gerri: let's drill down those numbers a little bit. receiving 250 million in u.s. taxpayer money, who is accountable for this? this is my taxpayer dollars going to china. it seems crazy to me. >> yes. we appropriate money, you are
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expected to be spent according to law. and if there is anything congress can do about it, it is kind of like locking the barn door after the horse is dolan. to our oversight, with the case of fisker going back to june trying to get information from the department of energy on this whole issue. we don't really get answers, to tell you the truth, and hav we e a constitutional responsibility to dig in and it seems to me the department of energy has constitutional responsibility to answer our questions but they don't do it. gerri: that has been an ongoing problem, i think. is there any other risk or danger of a company like fisker or a123 being sold to the chinese? >> at least in the case of a123 it was a possibility. and maybe it has been taken care of, but the possibility there was national security issues
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involved. we are told that is taking care of by that part of the company not being sold to china. but you get back to this business of the chinese plying us for suckers in the sense they are not only able to take advantage of the taxpayer dollars that are out there, but the research and development that goes on. we are kind of providing the intellectual basis for them to become more competitive. gerri: it is astonishing to me. the real issue here, maybe it is not being sold to the chinese, but the real issue is why is the government involved in this program in the first place. why is the government picking winners and losers. why is the government deciding what technology is the right one to invest in. >> i am not the perfect one to ask that, because i sponsored some tax credit bill's for other things like wind energy or biofuel, but if you get right
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down to it, those are tax incentives that you have to have the private sector put up money to take advantage of it. as opposed to these are grants going out the door of the department of treasury, or in this case energy, dishing them out like shoveling money out of an airplane. gerri: that is never good. jack lew, you have opposed his nomination as treasury secretary. we said how he doesn't have a lot of backing from wall street executives. why are you so opposed? >> for the reason you gave number one, that is the most important one. one less a reasoned, and i will get to a more important one, kind of the hypocrisy of this administration complaining about romney having money invested offshore, legal as it is, and appointing an appointment like jack lew who has money invested in the same thing.
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gerri: that shocks me to my core. senator grassley, thank you for coming on, we appreciate your time. thanks for illuminating us in particular about green energy. an absolute pleasure having you here. >> thank you very much. gerri: a fox business alert for you now. the housing market is getting stronger, and today we have more evidence of that. the real estate market really picked up steam in the final three months of last year. prices shot up 6.8% in the last quarter according to s&p case-shiller. today one of the economists robert shiller who put together the new report says the housing market has more momentum now, but as usual the permit there had some words of caution. >> housing hasn't shown in most of the history of housing in the united states hasn't shown a tendency to be going up and up. it was just a bubble in the
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early two thousands. that was really unusual, let's not go back and think it is going to happen all over again. if it does, it will be a surprise. gerri: he is never upbeat. the commerce department and new home sales surged to the highest level in four and hal and a hal, record low borrowing costs, a 30-year mortgage for 3.5%. one of the main reasons for the continued strength in the market. i will not throw water on the recovery, i want to celebrate it. later in the show, is 72 the new 30? in a report on how long we are living and like 2008 all over again with the country's biggest banks getting billions of your taxpayer dollars. how too big to fail is alive and well taking money out of your pocket next. she knows you like no one else.
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gerri: almost five years after tarp, in report shows big banks are getting your taxpayer dollars. i will break it down in 60 seconds. or a charity case. a trouble maker. worthless. just a stupid mistake. i don't think i'm a lost cause. i'm just a kid.
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youth villages believes that no child is a lost cause. not a single one. because a stable loving family can help any child succeed. and we have an 80% success rate that proves it. if you agree, find out how you can help. at youth ♪ gerri: every once in awhile you have the sale of its soldiers so. this is one of those days. as we have been saying and the show for some time, the dodd-frank law which we wrote the regulatory rulebook for banks did nothing to get rid of too big to fail. that is the implied promise that big banks would get bailed out of the get into trouble, this like they did during the financial crisis, using your money, by the way. in fact, to reduce our help to -- to researchers at pin down what the promise means the bank said, a subsidy of 83 billion per year. here's the math.
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the bank's nearly a full percentage point less than borrowing costs for interest rates because they're back by the federal government. if anyone of the big banks were to go bust the government would face enormous pressure to step in and keep the bank going. tune of that is. interest-rate discount applies to everything. liabilities, even customer deposits, and not one little percentage point makes a whale of a difference. multiplied that amount times the total liabilities of and the ten largest banks and you get a whopping $83 billion per year which according to the researchers is akin to giving the bank's $0.3 out of every tax dollar collected. think of that. $0.3 of every tax dollar collected. most live is going to buy banks. we did take that subsidy away u.s. will take whether profitability.
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here's what to of them have to send. >> should they be reaping the american taxpayer. $803 billion subsidy that they're getting. there is growing bipartisan concern across the whole political spectrum about the fact i believe it was the fact that too big to fail is alive and well. gerri: what is interesting is that one of the centers is the loftiest of the left, elizabeth warren. and marketer is a super conservative bush should tell you something when the hard right and left agree on something. they may have a point. the government is to get out of the business of guaranteeing the business of banks. we just cannot afford it. while the biggest benefits of
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these big bank to the taxpayer subsidies, there often as if replace debt put your money. the online site 247 wall street has but to go west of the sickest banks an america which is tonight's top five. number five, key corp. this bank headquartered in cleveland has won 11 under branches nationwide. the return on assets was under 1% and its return on equity was a nap% in 2012. pnc financial services. pets burbank is the ninth largest in the country by asset with 305 billion. even with the internal ceo transition, the company's net income last year was 3 billion. pays a two and a half% dividend to investors. number three, u.s. bancorp, despite being a most reasonable it -- regional bank this commercial bank caters to millions of consumers busting a high return on equity of more than 16%. number two, j.p. morgan, even what the london scandal from last year, this bank's finances
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are in solid shape according to 247, even though they disagree with the report i decided. a profit of more than 21 billion in 2012, and the number one city to bankamerica, wells fargo. the reason it is so safe, this bank makes its money acting more like a bank and a brokerage investment firm and gets a lot of kudos from analysts. also on the last. coming up, the first lick "consumer reports" top five cars for 2013 and next, is 72 the new 30? the details of the new scientific report and a look at what it means for your retired plant. coming up. ♪
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♪ gerri: talk about for everyone, new scientific study saying people are living longer than ever before and that at 72, the new 30. with more on this, the fox news medical a-team every let's start there, talk about the study. at that this was amazing. what do you make of it? >> i love it. and the reality here is that the chances of your dying now at the age of 72 is the same as our chances 200 years ago and dahlia the age of 30. the last four generations of humans have done much better at living longer than the first 8,000 generations. the reason for that is because we are cleaner, public health, we clean up the sewage. we have clearwater. we had better food. we have vaccinations. we stamp out diseases like smallpox and polio in the united states with vaccines, antibiotics. gerri: a lot going on.
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>> a lot of technology. gerri: living longer, but are we living better? >> at think we are in the sense that we have more comfortable lives, air-conditioning. we are not worried about the elements. we're not in pain as much. we look at comfort and air and a lot more comfort. of course, i also think we need to exercise more in the better. gerri: you're always nagging me about that. >> you look great. gerri: another study reporting that the mediterranean diet as huge benefits. we knew it was always good, but now they're saying it can prevent heart disease, prevent strokes. do you agree? >> yes, and it is great to go to that study after this month because announcing you're going to lead to 80 years old, will look into shape burgundian. 30 percent decrease dressed in a study from spain. the new internal medicine which is our top journal, 30 percent decreased risk of having heart attack or stroke of the of a mediterranean diet to midinettes, using all well, having diets that are high in fish, low in meat, legendary.
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gerri: the tebow and his right out. >> the fox business you could have occasionally. the food and vegetables and grains and fibers are warlike. anti oxidants, may threes, fiber. gerri: actually i and fat. a lot of fat. there is a lot of fat in a diet. >> good fat is the key word. these are on saturated fats, not the saturated better, not the trans fats. all well as great fat. we need vats, but windy the unsaturated kinds. gerri: thank you for coming on. i think the studies are amazing. some good news finally end of the scientific community. i love that. >> the seven are all well and that's the mill on the treadmill. gerri: okay. all right. up to the t-bone in the freezer. no one will be upset about the prospect of living longer, certainly at downside financially. i'm talking about social security. already the program is facing a serious cash flow a shoot. according to the heritage
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foundation's of security as promised more than seven half trillion dollars more in benefits than it will ever deliver. the indefinite deficit will start in 2016. now worse yet workers under 35 right now well received less in benefits than they paid into social security. no silver bullet, there is one simple way we can fix this problem, raise the retirement age. congress has not changed the eighth since 1983 when it started increasing the age from 65-67. by the way, that one took effect for another ten years. even countries like italy, greece, spain are in the process of increasing their retirement ages because they face reality and we haven't. social security program was created in 1935. the man who retired at 65 was only expected to live another 13 years. women 15. at the time, only a little more than half of americans even made it to the age 65.
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already social security has more people than it can handle. 36 million people over the age of 65, four times greater, that is draw them back in 1935. i don't want to reverse the trend of living longer, people in washington need to face reality. people are now spending a quarter of their lives in retirement, and if it was a scary to be around, changes need to be made before it is too late. coming up later in the show, the top new cars a 2013. you won't want to miss that. and reaction to is giving report on etf trades. don't go away. ♪
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♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. ♪ gerri: trading ets for free is a growing trend, but are there really cheaper? we spoke with market wants chief economist who warned investors, there is no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to etf
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trade. >> we still don't know where the cost will be, and it is not necessarily the funds the you want. think the other thing is, the funds that are in there are very thinly traded. and when an etf is then me traded you may get the free trade, but your execution, the price you are buying and may not be such a great price. and when your execution is bad, that is where you have a cause that you cannot even figure out. gerri: does that hold true for charles schwab and his new trading platform called one source? joining me now, the vice-president of charles schwab etf platform management. now, i have to tell you, i have been looking at these things for a long time. they're cheaper. that is what people returning to them. you recently initiated a study. inside the mind of the etf investors. what defines? >> that's right. we found to things primarily. first of all, investors love etf it tells the more than 41 percent are going to invest more heavily in the coming year
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and that cost matters. there are couple of costs which will talk about. expense ratio is the most important, but commissions follow on on its heels which is why we think along should be the tea etf one source with the most commission free. gerri: this has been a big change for investors because these ets, what you pay for them is typically so much lower than regular old fashioned mutual funds. when i had check on not too long ago he took issue with you guys because the university -- the university t.s., it is not that big. 105 of 970 etf is with no commission. he said there may be ets out there that you want that are not on this platform. how you respond? >> well, like schwab he is a great advocate for investors. he misses the point on this one. the point of the program is to develop a comprehensive range of 105 etf with coverage in nearly every morning star category, not at every single etf available
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commission free. you can buy all those. sosa for now. we are delighted with the lineup of 105. from six leading etf provider. clients of choice among asset categories. we think that's a great start. gerri: what about the fact some of those popular are not on this bank. the s&p 500 trust. the spider s&p 500, the spider s&p mid cap. you know, let's get some of these a new wonder, why are they part of your trading platform? one not? >> right. well, the program is not for everyone, and our goal was to have coverage and all the major asset categories. terrific products is of the main asset categories. the we are the lowest in the industry. they said that the initial launch is 105. we hope that is going to grow. with love for other providers. gerri: you want to be bigger. >> yes. the cause that we have done since launch but weld. gerri: let's talk for a second
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because i want to get back to etf and the drop because a lot of people, they know that the fees are low, but they may have missed the fact that these things trade like stocks. unlike mutual fund where it may be hard to that of the thing if you really want to dump it quickly, these you can sell right away. gerri: that's right. that is one of the appeals of exchange traded funds. we have seen our active trader client bases in the more frequently in lieu of individual securities. along with that also comes in education a round out the best trade them, how to get best execution. gerri: a lot of people doing this kind of investing, not just on your platform, but other places as well where they're making these choices, getting all the diversification that they want and paying so little for it. no one saw steady it show that it is not release the funds the you choose but the fees they pay that at the end of the day make a big difference. gerri: for the small investor to the fees matter. a stake in investor, you know, who is trading 100 shares.
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$9 commission rarely eats into that and makes it difficult to reinvest and dollar cost average a cost-effective way. so we say that eliminating commissions, especially for the small investor is going to be a real one and let them keep more of their investing dollars. gerri: thank you for coming on. appreciate your time. >> thinks having me. gerri: still to come, my "2 cents more" on an interesting trademark site. consumer reports give us their picks for the best cars on the road in 2013. he will take a look at everything from a luxury cars to minivans. ♪
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♪ gerri: looking to rev up the new year with a new car? we got you covered with the best
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and worst models in 2013. details of a few minutes.
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♪ gerri: consumer report putting nearly 300 vehicles to the test. it is releasing its top picks of the best of around vehicles that 2013 s to offer. we have the story right here. "consumer reports" managing editor. yet in the title. others joining me now. congratulations. >> thank you. gerri: avenue along time. none of you get a big promotion. >> not that big. gerri: tell me about how you guys go about bikinis. is there an american car on this list, my friend? >> first things first, we get to read testing group and which cars or the best of the testing, then we like reliability. that allows us to recommend our not. kara seven evers' liability,
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cannot be a topic. in the crash tests, how well performs. those parameters. gerri: that makes a lot of sense. is there an american car. >> there's not this year. gerri: o account. don't know how we do that. less talk about your top midsize sedan. >> honda accord. the redesigned for this year. gerri: that's boring. come on. >> it has gone back to the old honda accord or it is a drive to unpack -- drivetrain powertrain company if. a great transmission, great engines, 30 miles per gallon for four-cylinder. continues the valuable transmission very great fuel economy, and intrusive. tell you what, this is the car, you get in and then you don't know it's an automatic. gerri: top sports cars. >> the twins, the subaru and this i am. made by tweeting and subaru. 200-horsepower, four-cylinder. excellent weight balance, very nimble, very sporadic. you don't have to have 400-horsepower a whole lot of fun and the stars prove it. gerri: they look great. what is your advice for those looking for an affordable budget car? this is always an interesting
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category. >> if you're looking iran 18- $20,000 cost of credit on night elantra, a great little car. a lot of safety features, lot of comfort and convenience features. thirty-four mpg on my way, 29 overall. gerri: this certainly does. >> and for those elements of the accounts. >> and it has been reliable. it is like a toaster. turn on the key to my goat. gerri: i love that. no one to think about it. the best luxury-car. >> out the a-6. supercharged. gerri, 22 mpg. above average reliability was rare for the germans. it is superfast or super smooth uncomfortable. will do both. gerri: and pretty darn good gas mileage. where families looking for in a new minivan? >> donna odyssey is our top minivan, and it was awful is the last couple of years because reliability was kind of an attack. come back, average reliability, 19 mpg overall fuel economy. >> o.c. for separate. got a little quieter. honda's usually loud, this one
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not. gerri: what happened to the american cars? >> well, they're just not their overall. don't do everything perfectly. for example, the for the state, that is our top-rated small suv, but we don't have reliability data, as we cannot recommend that. we're not want to get the benefit of the doubt. gerri: you're the consumer report. it will test it out. you'll mess around. is there anything close? was there any american car that was close? >> you know, the ford escape. the fourth focuses another one very small car competing with the subaru and present, what is just a couple of points below. reliability just is not there. you know, they're their neck-and-neck, but they're so big that they're spending their money across the to wide range of vehicles. gerri: i want to come back into some vehicles. i hope you love me out. >> any time. any time. you're invited. we have the driver seat right there. porsche, bmw, whether you like to drive. gerri: it sounds like fun. thank you for coming on. >> my pleasure. gerri: on to this ig day in
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business history. back in 1930 the first traffic lights were installed right here in manhattan. after witnessing a collision between an automobile and a horse-drawn carriage geared morgan took his turn at inventing a traffic signal. the morgan traffic signal was that t-shaped performing three functions, stop, go, and then all directional stop position. the third light stopped traffic in all directions to allow pedestrians to cross streets safely. eventually he sold the rights is traffic signal to general electric for $40,000. the first traffic light was installed in new york city today that you're 26, 83 years ago. it seems like it should be longer. we will be right back with my "2 cents more" and the answer to the question of the day, should the government be buying homes with sandy victims? stay with us. ♪
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